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29 July 2008
India's $10 Laptop
Apparently : "The government aims to provide 10-dollar laptops to students and research in this direction is on," said D Purandesh...
18 February 2008
Hacking Ashley Highfield
Some might say I've been overly critical of the BBC's digital boss, Ashley Highfield (no, no). Be that as it may, it's certain...
10 December 2007
Apple the Imitator
Seems like Microsoft isn't the only company copying the innovations of the open source world: Apple plans at Macworld to introduce a 1...
27 October 2007
Oh, Well Done, Microsoft
Look: little Johnny Microsoft is doing *ever* so well in his plucky attempt to catch up with that clever GNU/Linux chap: Microsoft Corp has ...
29 January 2007
GNU/Linux on the Desktop: Get the Facts
Some say that 2007 is the year GNU/Linux is going to make its breakthrough on the desktop - just like last year, and the year before that. ...
31 January 2006
Microsoft is Right - No, Really
At first sight, the $100 laptop has everything going for it: it is based around open source software, uses renewable energy (you wind it up...
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