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24 September 2008
90% Open Source Lightning
Well, not exactly: Lightning, which comes from Mozilla, is a 100% open source calendar extension for Mozilla Thunderbird.... On Open Enterpr...
31 December 2007
Spicing Up Thunderbird
As I've noted before, one of the key features of free software is its modularity. From this and the underlying licence flows the abilit...
15 April 2007
Thunderbirds Are... Synched!
I'm a big fan of Thunderbird, so details of how to synch up its emerging Lightning calendar extension to Google Calendar is big news for...
22 January 2007
Am I Dreaming?
Dreaming in Code : a book about Chandler . Chandler? Out of several hundred thousands pieces of free software he choose Chandler ??? A pro...
13 November 2006
Will Lightning Strike
I've written elsewhere about what I call the FOOGL concept - Firefox, and GNU/Linux. Basically, the idea is that once e...
20 September 2006 Gets Them - and It
Good - if belated - news on the OOo front: First, shall get Firefox-like extensions capabilities by the 2.0.4. This release ...
25 April 2006
At the Top of the Stack
The Inquirer has an interesting story about the quaintly-named "China Rural PC", which seems to be Intel's bid (a) to make s...
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