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19 November 2007
What's a Paglo?
That was my first question to Brian de Haaff, CEO of the eponymous company . This is what he said, (more or less): Francisco Paglo was a v...
12 April 2007
Searching for an Answer
It was the arrival of the first-generation search engines like Yahoo and Lycos in the mid-1990s that turned a collection of disparate online...
10 April 2006
Webaroo - Yawnaroo
Convincing proof that Web 2.0 is a replay of Web 1.0 comes in the form of Webaroo. As this piece from Om Malik explains, this start-up aim...
27 March 2006
Searching for an Answer
I have always been fascinated by search engines. Back in March 1995, I wrote a short feature about the new Internet search engines - variou...
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