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08 July 2010
Free Software Coder Bullied over *Algorithm*
As long-suffering readers of this blog will know, one of the many reasons I am against software patents is that software consists of algorit...
23 December 2009
All Hail the Mighty Algorithm
As long-suffering readers of this blog will know, one of the reasons I regard software patents as dangerous is because software consists of ...
15 October 2009
Open Sourcing America's Operating System
And how do you do that? By making all of the laws freely available - and, presumably, searchable and mashable: Public.Resource.Org is very...
03 April 2009
Why We Should Teach Maths with Open Source
Recently, I was writing about science and open source (of which more anon); here are some thoughts on why maths ought to be taught using f...
15 November 2008
Of Lawyers and Software Patents
Regular readers will know that I have a bee in my bonnet about the non-patentability of software, largely because of the fact that software ...
08 December 2007
Sage Does the Maths of Free Software
One of the persistent myths about free software is that successes like Linux are one-offs, and that the open source methodology can't be...
17 October 2007
Patently Wrong, Mathematically Proved
Well, after yesterday's post about a paper drawing fascinating parallels between today's patent trolls and yesteryear's patent ...
10 August 2007
Of Maths, Shares and Horoscopes
I have been a mathematician since the age of eight. As such, I tend to look at the world through the optics of mathematics. For this reaso...
28 March 2007
Openness, Surveillance and Privacy
Previous posts have noted that there is an inherent tension between openness and privacy. That tension is even more acute in the case of su...
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