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31 March 2013
Now US Wants Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement With European Union To Include Turkey: Who's Next?
Last week we wrote about the important news that Mexico is asking to join what began as a bilateral trade agreement between the US and ...
Why TAFTA Matters, and What We Should Do About It
Back in January, I wrote about what I called the "Trans-Atlantic Partnership Agreement", by analogy with the Trans-Pacific Part...
Mexico Will Ask To Join US-EU Transatlantic Trade Agreement
Things are moving fast with the proposed US-EU transatlantic free trade agreement (TAFTA). It was only a few weeks ago that the formal ...
08 December 2012
Thailand To Join TPP Negotiations; Access To Medicines Likely To Suffer As A Consequence
Although things have gotten rather quiet on the TPP front, that doesn't mean that the juggernaut has been halted. On the contrary: ...
30 April 2011
Moral Bankruptcy of the Copyright Industry
As anyone who has followed the area for a while learns, the copyright industry has an extraordinary sense of entitlement. It seems to think...
05 September 2008
Asterisk Discovers Again Why Open Source is a Star
Call me parochial, but until a few minutes ago, I'd never heard of MFC/R2, and certainly had no inkling it might be important. Apparentl...
16 June 2008
Open Enterprise Interview with Ryan Bagueros, North-by-South
On Open Enterprise blog .
20 November 2007
Of "IP", "Piracy" and China
As readers of this blog will know, I don't use the terms "intellectual property" or "piracy", since both are profoun...
28 February 2007
Firewalls in Meatspace
Hmm, disturbing .
30 January 2007
Not so Corny for the Mexicans
By embracing the NAFTA treaty, Mexico surrendered its corn output to the vagaries of the North American corn market. Now, all of a sudden, A...
01 May 2006
W(h)ither Sun?
McNealy leaving Sun is certainly the end of an era. But the big question is: what follows? As far as Jonathan Schwartz is concerned, too m...
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