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mitch kapor
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Showing posts with label
mitch kapor
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11 August 2008
Desperately Seeking Chandler
On Open Enterprise blog .
23 June 2008
Good Bill, Bad Bill
I have tremendous respect for what Bill and Melinda have chosen to do with the great wealth that Microsoft afforded. The Gates Foundation is...
14 March 2008
Philip Rosedale Gets a New Life in Second Life
Wow: Linden Lab Chief Executive Philip Rosedale said on Friday the company he founded has begun a search for a new CEO with more operational...
09 January 2008
Changing Chandler
On Open Enterprise blog .
22 January 2007
Am I Dreaming?
Dreaming in Code : a book about Chandler . Chandler? Out of several hundred thousands pieces of free software he choose Chandler ??? A pro...
28 November 2006
Interview with Second Life's Philip Rosedale, Part II
This is the second part of the interview, in which Rosedale talks about the future of Second Life, including funding options, the arrival of...
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