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19 March 2010
Why the ICC Report Makes Me Ick
I have restrained myself from writing much about the ICC's "Building a Digital Economy" report , because I knew it would make ...
11 March 2010
Hollywood's Post-theatrical Problem, Isn't
There's a great piece in the Washington Post with the headline "The MPAA says the movie business is great. Unless it's lousy....
16 December 2009
Hypocrisy, Thy Name is MPAA
I do love it when copyright maximalist organisations like the MPAA put out statements, because they invariably put their foot in it too. Th...
09 March 2008
Another Reason Why "Three Strikes" Won't Work
The idea that a Draconian "three strikes and you're out" approach will actually stop people from downloading copyrighted mater...
09 October 2007
Ninch Inch Nails in the Music Industry's Coffin
How many more of these will it take before the music business realises that it's over?
13 September 2007
Fair Use Worth More Than Copyright
Fair use (fair dealing in the UK) is the Cinderella in the world of intellectual monopolies. Some brazen monopolists have even gone so far ...
05 September 2007
MPAA Jets in To Spread Some Cinematic Fantasy
When are these people going to get a clue ? Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) president Dan Glickman is today lobbying UK film mi...
20 March 2007
A Lot of Copyright Whatnot
A superb example of how cavalier proponents of intellectual monopolies can be with figures: Leaving aside the rhetoric, what is particularl...
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