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29 March 2017
The Copyright Industry's So-Called "Value Gap" Is Actually an Innovation Gap
The is a crucial year for the Internet in Europe, because 2017 will see key decisions made about the shape of copyright law in the EU. Tha...
22 November 2011
Why The Supreme Court's 'Grokster' Decision Led To More, Not Less, P2P Filesharing
In the 2005 "Grokster" decision, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that file sharing networks could be held liable for copyr...
28 March 2011
Pig-headedness, not Piracy, Killed Recorded Music
An extremely feeble article in the Guardian parrots the recording industry's line that piracy is killing music: Global recorded music ...
22 March 2011
The End of Copyright's Social Contract
Copyright is based on a social contract. In return for a government-enforced, time-limited monopoly, artists create - the idea being that w...
21 March 2011
Sharing the Credit for Sharing
Time magazine has one of those tiresome list thingies: "10 Ideas That Will Change the World" (pretentious, moi?). To its credit, ...
11 December 2007
The (I)Meem They've Been Waiting for
The music industry has finally found an online music model it can live with: Imeem, a social networking site that was in the recording indu...
22 June 2007
Don't Mess With Our Thing
This litany of music industry woes is an object lesson in what happens if you fight the (Net) Family: The major labels are struggling to re...
24 July 2006
Why YouTube is Napster 2.0
Being of the older generation, I've never really gone wild over YouTube . But I recognise and salute its cultural importance, because i...
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