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20 October 2011
Of Open Source, Microsoft, India and Paraguay
One of the recurrent recent themes of IT in the UK has been how moves to open source by local and central government have been stymied by ...
20 May 2009
Newham and the Prisoner's Dilemma
Yesterday I had another meeting with Richard Steel, CIO of Newham, who was generous with both his time and information. After our introducto...
29 April 2009
Newly in Newham
Those with good memories may recall that Richard Steel and I had something of a, er, discussion about open source in our respective blogs. T...
27 February 2009
This isn't “Open Source”
As a kind of pint-sized free software fidei defensor I feel obliged to counter some of the misconceptions that are put about on the subject ...
21 April 2008
Is This the Season of Porcine Aerobatics?
On Open Enterprise blog .
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