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25 July 2014
Where Did ODF Disappear to? (And How to Fix it)
Readers with good memories may remember various key fights over the years that were largely about ODF and OOXML. The first round culminat...
31 March 2013
Celebrate Document Freedom Day; Then We Win
Today is Document Freedom Day : It is a day for celebrating and raising awareness of Open Standards and formats which takes place on ...
08 December 2012
Portugal Moves Forward on Open Standards
A couple of weeks ago, I was reviewing Spain's move to open standards. The good news is that elsewhere on the Iberian peninsular, ...
13 October 2012
Yes, Network Effects Are a Problem for Open Formats
As we know, lock-in is one of the biggest obstacles to moving from closed, proprietary formats, to open ones. But so far as I know, no o...
05 May 2012
How Microsoft Fought True Open Standards IV
Yesterday I looked at the first part of a long document that Microsoft sent the Cabinet Office in October last year. Here I'd like ...
27 April 2012
Interview with Charles-H. Schulz on Open Standards
As you may have noticed, open standards are a hot topic currently. One person who deals with them all the time in a variety of ways is Ch...
Does Microsoft Office Lock-in Cost the UK Government £500 Million?
In may last column, I wrote about Microsoft's efforts last year to derail any possible adoption of ODF. That's very telling, bec...
18 April 2012
How Microsoft Fought True Open Standards II
In yesterday's post about Microsoft's lobbying of the Cabinet Office against truly open standards based on RF licensing, I spent...
29 November 2010
Dissecting the Italian Non-Squirrel
A couple of days ago I wrote about the deal between the regional government of Puglia and Microsoft, noting that it was frustrating that we...
16 November 2010
Will Mark Zuckerberg Prove He's Open Source's BFF?
Although I don't use it much myself, I've heard that Facebook is quite popular in some quarters. This makes its technological moves ...
02 April 2010
Microsoft's Gift to Open Standards
Long-time readers of this blog will recall the bitter fight over the submission of Microsoft's OOXML formats to the ISO. To the dismay o...
22 February 2010
A Tale of Two Ballot Screens
Remember the browser ballot screen that Microsoft agreed to add as part of its settlement with the EU over competition issues? It's happ...
11 February 2010
British Library Helps Lock Down More Knowledge
It has been a sad spectacle to see the British Library – without doubt once the greatest library in the world, and hence a powerful force fo...
19 June 2009
ODF and the Art of Interoperability
It's hard to believe that there was such sound and fury when OOXML was being pushed through the ISO process. At the time, it seemed like...
04 June 2009
Of Open Standards, Interoperability and Open Source
One of the key moments in the rise of open source was when Massachusetts announced that it was adopting an open standards policy for documen...
30 April 2009
Whatever Happened to OOXML?
Remember Open Office XML – a name chosen to be as confusingly close to OpenOffice XML as possible – better known as OOXML? Remember how just...
25 February 2009
Open Source? Labour's Working on It
One of the great things about free software is that it transcends politics. Those on the left love it because it is a collaborative effort, ...
06 February 2009
A Tale of Two Consultations
One of the running themes on this blog is the importance of engaging with the powers that be, specifically through responding to government ...
23 January 2009
BlackBerry to Support OpenDocument Format
One of the biggest barriers to introducing new, open formats like ODF is the lock-in of platforms to Microsoft's dominant Office formats...
04 January 2009
Major Win for ODF in Brazil
Great news for ODF in Brazil: it's becoming the official format for storing government agency dox: Já no passado mês de Abril de 2008, ...
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