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27 October 2013
UK's Ofcom Recognizes That Copyright Can Be A Threat To User Generated Content
One of the central problems of laws that deal with copyright is that they are essentially products of a time when the distinction betwee...
10 August 2012
Consumer Focus and the Digital Economy Act
I've written a couple of articles recently about Ofcom's consultation on the implementation of the Digital Economy Act. That c...
29 July 2012
Time to Fight for Net Neutrality in the EU
Net neutrality is one of those areas that most people are vaguely in favour of, without giving it much thought. Governments take advantag...
19 August 2010
Don't be Neutral about Net Neutrality
A little while ago, I noted that Ofcom was seeking input on the subject of Net neutrality. I also promised to post my own submission, which ...
14 June 2010
Shame on Ofcom, Double Shame on the BBC
Readers with good memories may recall a little kerfuffle over an Ofcom consultation to slap DRM on the BBC's HD service: if this scheme ...
1 comment:
01 April 2010
Last Chance to Save BBC from DRM
Six months ago, I wrote about a shabby attempt to slip through a major change at the BBC that would entail adding DRM to its HDTV output. Th...
22 February 2010
Three Strikes and You're *Not* Out?
Now this is rum. A little while back, there was a petition on the 10 Downing site: “We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to abando...
18 January 2008
The Google Generation Don't Respect Copyright
This interesting report from the British Libary and JISC says that the "Google generation" - those born after 1993 - aren't s...
04 December 2007
Spectrum Commons Catching On
I've written about the idea of treating radio spectrum as a commons - something owned by no one, but available for the use of all - subj...
12 July 2007
BBC Listens - or Pretends To...
Good to hear : The BBC Trust has asked to meet open source advocates to discuss their complaints over the corporation's Windows-only on ...
22 June 2007
Time for BBC to Face the Music
Great to see the plucky Open Source Consortium getting its terrier-like teeth into the corpulent flesh that is the BBC: The Open Source Con...
29 May 2007
Microsoft Backs Open...Spectrum
Interesting : Today UK regulator Ofcom released its review of the ~750 responses it received during a public consultation earlier this year ...
21 December 2006
The Sergeant's (Digital) Song
Well, here's a right rollicum-rorum : Yesterday, UK telecom regulator Ofcom issued a Consultation paper on future uses of the "Digi...
14 July 2006
Tripped up for Want of a Commons
I'm not a poddie myself, but the idea behind Griffin Technology's iTrip - being able to broadcast your MP3 files to nearby FM radio...
31 May 2006
Hats Off for Ofcom
Ofcom (Office for Communications), the regulator for UK communications industries, is a grey and rather amorphous body . So it comes as so...
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