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26 July 2014
Now That The NSA Has Made It The Norm, Total Surveillance During The Sochi Olympic Games Is No Longer Noteworthy
In addition to being an opportunity to stretch copyright and trademark rules way beyond the law, over the years, the Olympics has also b...
10 March 2010
2012 Olympics Win Gold Medal for Liberticide
I always hated the Olympics as a vulgar, corrupt and expensive display of corrosive, narrow-minded nationalism. Later, I came to realise th...
27 November 2009
Time to Abolish the Olympics?
This is incredible: An American author and broadcaster claims Canadian border officials questioned her about whether she would discuss the ...
17 August 2008
The Olympian Apache
Here's a nice reminder that open source - in the form of Apache - has been head of the field for more than 12 years, despite what cert...
02 July 2008
One of the daftest URLs I've seen in a long time, but interesting to see the "open" meme here .
26 March 2008
BSI to Celebrate Document Freedom Day with Chains
On Open Enterprise blog .
12 October 2007
Copyright Olympics
Good to see an eminent writer getting it: It's not just that the idea of copyrighting an entry in the English dictionary, or someone...
08 August 2007
The (Female) RMS of Tibet?
As a big fan of both freedom and Tibet, it seems only right that I should point to the Students for a Free Tibet site . Against a backgroun...
10 December 2006
The Virtual World of China
Talking of the blurring of distinction between life and games, here's a great rumination on certain aspects of modern China (a subject ...
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