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31 October 2014
Response to EU Ombudsman's Consultation on TTIP Transparency
The EU Ombudsman is running a consultation on how to improve the transparency of the TTIP negotiations. This shouldn't be hard, ...
27 October 2013
Extending The Spectrum Of Openness To Include The Moral Right To Share
Prefixing concepts with the epithet "open" has become something of a fashion over the last decade. Beginning with open source,...
26 October 2013
EU Kills Net Neutrality, Threatens Online Openness
I've been trying to fathom what exactly Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission with responsibility for the Digital A...
31 March 2013
Celebrate Document Freedom Day; Then We Win
Today is Document Freedom Day : It is a day for celebrating and raising awareness of Open Standards and formats which takes place on ...
Is Mozilla "Undermining the Openness of the Internet"?
One of the core areas that Mozilla is working on is user privacy, and one important aspect of this is controlling cookies. Most people a...
13 October 2012
Fighting Lack of Transparency And Engagement With Parliamentary Openness
A recurrent theme here on Techdirt is the persistent lack of transparency during the drafting of new laws or the negotiation of new trea...
12 May 2012
Why Microsoft Loves The Rise of (Some) Openness
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how businesses based around giving stuff away were able to make money by replacing far more expensive opt...
06 January 2012
Will The Food Industry Ever Swallow Transparency's Bitter Pill?
A fascinating trend in recent years has been the gradual move from a presumption of secrecy to one of openness, transparency and sharing. ...
27 October 2011
Open Source, Open Science, Open Source Science
One of the key inspirations for the free software movement was the scientific tradition of sharing information and building on the work of...
09 August 2011
In Praise of the World Wide Web, Openness and Sharing
As you may have gathered, the World Wide Web celebrated its 20th birthday recently, since it was publicly announced for the first time on 6 ...
29 June 2011
Open for Business in Every Way
For some reason, I seem to be giving talks all over the place this month. I've already written about the one that I presented at the Eur...
23 March 2011
How Open is the Open Networking Foundation?
Time for some more of that fashionable “open” goodness: Six companies that own and operate some of the largest networks in the world — Deuts...
02 December 2010
The Limits to Openness
Unless you live in certain countries or read certain newspapers, you will have been deluged over the last few days with “revelations” from t...
22 November 2010
MPs' Expenses: They're At It Again
Openness is inherently political, because it dares to assert that we little people have a right to see what the powerful would hide. There...
28 October 2010
The Limits of Openness?
I've been a long-time fan of the 3D modelling program Blender . No surprise, then, that I've also been delighted to see the Blender...
25 October 2010
How is OpenStack Stacking Up?
You may have noticed there's a fair bit of interest in this cloud computing thing. You've probably also come across various articles...
06 October 2010
Sharing: Crossing the Digital-Analogue Divide
I've been writing about all kinds of openness and sharing on this blog nearly five years now. Before that, I had been covering free sof...
02 July 2010
Time for some Digital Economy Act Economy
Here's a hopeful sign: We're working to create a more open and less intrusive society. We want to restore Britain’s traditions of fr...
08 March 2010
Bill Gates (Hearts) Openness a Bit More
Here's an interesting project: the Open Course Library . These are its goals : * design 81 high enrollment courses for face-to-face, hy...
05 February 2010
Opening Our Eyes to the Tilted Playing-Field
One of the subtlest ways of gaming the system is to hack the system before you even play - for example, by building in a bias that means you...
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