open source, open genomics, open creation
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08 January 2018
Incoming: Spare Slots for Freelance Work in 2018
I will soon have spare slots in my freelance writing schedule for regular weekly or monthly work, and major projects. Here are the ma...
02 January 2016
The Rise and Fall of TTIP, As Told in 51 Updates
This year will be make or break for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It is already years behind its original, ho...
25 July 2014
Bringing Transparency Back To The Patent System With 'Innovation Cartography'
As Techdirt has noted many times, the patent system is broken, and in various ways. One major problem is the way it inhibits innovation, ...
24 July 2014
US Court Rules Again That Natural Phenomena Cannot Be Patented, Casting Further Doubt On Gene Patents
Back in June, Mike wrote about the important Myriad Genetics judgment from the Supreme Court, which said that naturally-occuring genetic...
India's Approach To Pharma Patents Under US Attack, But Other BRICS Nations Likely To Adopt It
Techdirt has been reporting for a while on India's growing success in providing its population with access to low-cost generic drug...
24 November 2013
Universities Struggle To License Their Patents, In Desperation Team Up With Patent Trolls
A few months back, we wrote about the University of California's plan to lock up even more knowledge in the form of patents, in the...
Misleading Figures Used To Puff Up Importance Of Intellectual Monopolies In Europe
We've noted before attempts to inflate the importance of copyright, patents and trademarks by including a bunch of other sectors that...
27 October 2013
Copyright Lawyers vs Patent Lawyers Smackdown: And The Winner Is...
You may remember a rather wonderful court case from 2012 that pitted copyright lawyers against patent lawyers over the issue of whether ...
University Of California Gives Big Boost To Open Access, Still Confused About Sharing Knowledge
Techdirt has been monitoring for a while the inexorable rise of open access in the academic world. But even against a background of major...
Could Open Source Make GMOs More Palatable?
As a recent DailyDirt noted, opinions on the safety of genetically modified organisms ( GMOs ) are sharply divided. But that heated arg...
26 October 2013
Eli Lilly Raises Stakes: Says Canada Now Owes It $500 Million For Not Granting A Patent It Wanted
A few months ago we wrote about the extraordinary -- and worrying -- case of Eli Lilly suing Canada after the latter had refused to gran...
Benefits Of Synthetic Blood Could Be Squandered Thanks To Patents
Two of the key arguments during the Myriad Genetics trial were that gene patent monopolies stifle innovation by preventing others from ...
Using Patents To Needlessly Drive Up Healthcare Costs: The Economic Impact Of Evergreening Drugs
One technique in the world of pharma that has started appearing here on Techdirt is "evergreening" -- making small changes t...
19 September 2013
University Of California's Latest Plan: Privatize Knowledge, Take Out Lots Of Patents -- Profit!
At the end of last year, we wrote about an extraordinary attempt by the University of California (UC) to resuscitate the infamous "...
Google Proposes Clever Video Codec License -- But The Real Problem With Patent Pools Remains
A couple of years back, Techdirt wrote about Google's laudable attempt to open source its VP8 video codec , based around technologies ...
18 September 2013
Why the Idea of the Software Patent Does Not Fly
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about the growing threat of software patents in Europe (again). I was delighted to come across thi...
New EU Regulation Threatens Rare Seed Varieties, Agricultural Independence And Food Supply Resilience In Europe
Unless we are farmers, we tend to take seeds for granted. But civilisation is built on seeds: it was the rise of large-scale agricultu...
20 July 2013
OxyContin And The Art Of 'Evergreening'
A few weeks back, we wrote about the Indian Supreme Court's rejection of Novartis's attempt to use " evergreening " to...
'Pay For Delay' Drug Deals Under Scrutiny In US, EU And UK
The last time Techdirt wrote about " pay for delay " deals, whereby a big pharma company essentially buys off manufacturers o...
The Free, Open Web: 20 Years of RF Licensing
As regular readers of this column know, there's still a battle going on over whether standards should be FRAND or restrict...
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