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24 July 2014
Why Opening Up Clinical Trials Data Is Good For Pharma Companies Too
Earlier this year we wrote about how AbbVie, the pharma company spun out of Abbott Laboratories, had gone to court to stop the European...
India's Approach To Pharma Patents Under US Attack, But Other BRICS Nations Likely To Adopt It
Techdirt has been reporting for a while on India's growing success in providing its population with access to low-cost generic drug...
23 November 2013
The Joy Of Monopolies: Orphan Drug Price Increasing By Nearly 40% Each Year
A couple of years ago, Techdirt carried an article by Andy Kessler about the difference between entrepreneurs who create value, and thos...
26 October 2013
Using Patents To Needlessly Drive Up Healthcare Costs: The Economic Impact Of Evergreening Drugs
One technique in the world of pharma that has started appearing here on Techdirt is "evergreening" -- making small changes t...
Merck 'Evergreens' Off-Patent Lipitor By Creating Combination Drug With No Additional Benefit
Big pharma often gets a rather rough ride here on Techdirt, what with its attempts to stop governments granting licenses for life-saving...
18 September 2013
How Investor-State Dispute Resolution Threatens Access To Medicines, And Much Else
A couple of weeks ago, we wrote about the growing importance of investor-state dispute resolution in so-called free trade agreements (F...
20 July 2013
OxyContin And The Art Of 'Evergreening'
A few weeks back, we wrote about the Indian Supreme Court's rejection of Novartis's attempt to use " evergreening " to...
'Pay For Delay' Drug Deals Under Scrutiny In US, EU And UK
The last time Techdirt wrote about " pay for delay " deals, whereby a big pharma company essentially buys off manufacturers o...
14 April 2013
Indian Supreme Court Rejects Trivial 'Evergreening' Of Pharma Patents
Back in October last year, in the context of India showing itself increasingly sceptical about pharma patents that drive up drug prices...
31 March 2013
Giant Pharma Company Claims Releasing Data On Drug Safety Is Illegal As It's Confidential And 'Commercially Sensitive'
One of the initiatives gaining momentum around the world is open data -- the idea that, for example, non-personal data affecting the pub...
11 February 2013
Canada Denies Patent For Drug, So US Pharma Company Demands $100 Million As Compensation For 'Expropriation'
An increasingly problematic aspect of free trade agreements (FTAs) is the inclusion of investor-state provisions that essentially allow ...
10 February 2013
Pharma Companies Try 'DRM' For Drugs As A Ploy To Stymie Generics
One of the striking features of the drug world is how pharma companies become noticeably more inventive immediately before their patents...
06 January 2013
Historic Ruling Against First Modern Drug Patent In India
As Techdirt has reported over the last year, the Indian government is becoming increasingly keen on using cheaper, generic versions of i...
11 November 2012
After India, Now Indonesia Introduces Patent Licenses For Generic Versions Of Drugs
As we noted a couple of weeks ago, when we wrote about India's moves to issue compulsory licences for the production of generic ver...
13 October 2012
Emerging Countries Take Note: Big Pharma's Losing Patent Battles In India
Techdirt has been following the important story of the kidney and liver cancer drug marketed under the name Nexavar since March , when In...
15 July 2012
India Moves Even More Of Its Healthcare Away From Western Pharma
A few years back, Techdirt noted that India had 16,000 licensed drug manufacturers in the 1990s, and became a net exporter of pharmaceut...
30 December 2011
Johnson & Johnson Refuses To License Three HIV Drugs To Medicines Patent Pool; Invites Patent Override
By their very nature, drug patents can create monopolies that allow prices to be kept artificially high. In other domains that may be si...
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