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25 July 2014
How To Solve The Piracy Problem: Give Everyone A Basic Income For Doing Nothing
Here on Techdirt we often discuss economics in the absence of scarcity -- how the ability to make any number of digital copies for vanis...
24 July 2014
Royalty Collection Agency SABAM Sued By Belgian Government Over 'Piracy License' Plans
Back in May, we wrote about how the Belgian music royalty collection agency SABAM was taking ISPs there to court over its demand for 3....
27 October 2013
Survey: Most Italian Internet Users Think Ignoring Copyright Harms Publishers, But Not Society As A Whole
One of the heartening recent developments in the world of digital copyright is that we have moved on from manifestly biased surveys about...
26 October 2013
Two New Reports Confirm: Best Way To Reduce Piracy Dramatically Is To Offer Good Legal Alternatives
At the beginning of last year we reported on a Swedish study that showed that streaming services had halved the number of people who wer...
19 September 2013
BSA Study Demonstrates Open Source's Economic Advantage
I love the spring. Not, of course, because of the glorious weather, since we don't have any. But because it's time for the annu...
18 September 2013
Royalty Collection Agency SABAM Sues Belgian ISPs In Pursuit Of Its Fantasy 'Piracy License'
Back in November 2011, we wrote about the Belgian music royalty collection agency SABAM's demand for 3.4% of Internet subscriber fee...
20 July 2013
McAfee Patents System To 'Detect And Prevent Illegal Consumption Of Content On The Internet'
As a post on the French site Numerama reminds us ( original in French ), the department responsible for implementing the three-strikes p...
31 March 2013
Apple's Patent For Creating A Leak-Proof Data Pipe, And Why It's Doomed To Fail
In 2001, I published a history of free software, called "Rebel Code: Inside Linux and the Open Source Revolution." One of the...
California Attorney General Claims Foreign Companies Using 'Pirated' Software Represent Unfair Competition
Two years ago, Techdirt wrote about the major report "Media Piracy in Emerging Economies", which explored how media and softwar...
17 March 2013
Spain Considers Making Digital Copyright Law Worse: Pleasing The US Again?
We wrote a couple of weeks ago how some were arguing that Spain ought to go back on the "naughty" Special 301 list for failin...
10 March 2013
HADOPI May Be Succeeding -- In Driving French Customers To Dotcom's Mega
Last week, Techdirt reported on the news that falling numbers of P2P users are being trumpeted as a victory for HADOPI's "three ...
10 February 2013
Pirated Buildings In China And The Rise Of Architectural Mashups
Although China is often glibly dismissed as little more than an imitator of others, yet another story about copying paradoxically shows ...
08 December 2012
UK Recording Industry Doesn't Want Google To Reduce Piracy Until It Reduces Piracy
Techdirt has written before about the self-destructive vindictiveness of the copyright industries, which would rather die in a futile at...
11 November 2012
Making The Most Of File Sharing: Free Market Research & A Captive Target Audience
The demonization of file sharing by copyright maximalists blinds many companies to the fact that it is marketing in its purest form. Tha...
Costa Rican Students Fight For The Right To Photocopy Textbooks
One of the most important pieces of research to emerge last year was " Media Piracy in Emerging Economies ". A central theme w...
29 July 2012
Digital Economy Act Consultation Response
Last week I wrote about the extremely short consultation period for aspects of implementing the Digital Economy Act. Time is running ou...
15 July 2012
Are Books Printed With Disappearing Ink Really The Best Way To Make People Read Them?
As Techdirt has noted , the main threat to artists is not piracy, but obscurity -- the fact that few know they are creating interesting s...
30 June 2012
UK's 3-Strikes Plan Continues To Grind Through The System; Still Not In Force, Still Awful
As Techdirt reported in 2010, the passage of the Digital Economy Act was one of the most disgraceful travesties of the UK parliamentary ...
Student Fined For Providing Free Film And TV Subtitles; Yet Another Business Opportunity Thrown Away By Copyright Industries
Mike recently reminded us that for some people, bizarrely, stopping "piracy" is more important than making money. Here's an...
10 June 2012
EU Politicians Snub European Commission: Do Not See IP Protection As Key To Internal Security Strategy
One of the most dishonest aspects of ACTA was its attempt to equate genuinely dangerous products like fake medicines with totally harmless...
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