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30 July 2010
Towards a Commons Taxonomy
As regular readers will know, I regard the concept of the commons as an increasingly important one, not least because it pulls together thre...
02 July 2010
An (Analogue) Artist's Reply to Just Criticism
There's a new meme in town these days: “rights of the artists”. The copyright industries have worked out that cries for more copyright ...
06 June 2010
Why Sharing Will Be Big Business
As you may have noticed, one of the central themes of this blog is the power of sharing. Mostly, I talk about non-rivalrous goods like soft...
08 September 2009
Someone Has a Man with a Red Flag Moment
This is so misguided: Digital personal property (DPP) is an attempt to make consumers treat digital media like physical objects. For instan...
26 January 2009
What Mr. Lammy *Still* Does Not Get
Surpising - but good - news if true: Internet service providers will not be forced to disconnect users who repeatedly flout the law by ille...
06 December 2007
Behold! The New Anti-Open Access FUD
As I've noted before, I'm something of a connoisseur of FUD, and I really like coming across new examples. Here's one , direct...
12 August 2007
The Real Spectrum Commons
I have referred to radio spectrum as a commons several times in this blog. But there's a problem: since spectrum seems to be rivalrous...
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