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11 April 2012
Of Microsoft, Netscape, Patents and Open Standards
I still remember well the day in October 1994 when I downloaded the first beta of Netscape's browser. It was instantly obvious that t...
01 April 2012
Open Standards Licensing: Apple's Key Evidence
As regular readers know, there is a struggle going on between the free software community that needs open standards to be RF (strictly sp...
02 March 2012
EC Defends Interoperability, but Misses Bigger Picture
Here's an interesting move from the European Commission: On Open Enterprise blog .
28 February 2012
UK Open Standards Consultation Submission
Somewhat belatedly (apologies), here is the second part of my analysis of the UK government's Open Standards consultation. As well as...
22 February 2012
Open Season on Open Standards
The increasingly heated debates about the traditionally dull area of computer standards is testimony to the rise of open source. For the ...
12 September 2011
UK Government: Open Standards Must be RF, not FRAND
As regular readers of this column will know, one of the key issues for open source - and openness in general - is what is meant by open s...
21 June 2011
Of Standards and Software Patents
› has an interesting name and the following forthright self-description: Xiph.Org is a collection of open source, multimedia-related ...
13 June 2011
Do We Still Need the FSF, GNU and GPL?
It's easy to take things for granted – to assume that the world will always be as it is. And then sometimes you receive a mild jolt: som...
10 June 2011
Interoperability and Open Standards: Help Make It Happen
In a previous column, I mentioned that I was invited to talk at a meeting at the European Parliament about innovation prizes last week. That...
31 March 2011
UK Government Promises to Go Open - Yet Again
Sometimes it seems like I've written the same story about UK government IT plans again and again. You know the one: after years of empty...
01 March 2011
True Open Standards; Open Source Next?
One of the ironies of this column, which appears in a UK title, and is about the use of open source software in large enterprises, is that t...
20 November 2010
Tim BL: Open Standards Must be Royalty-Free
Yesterday I went along to the launch of the next stage of the UK government's open data initiative, which involved releasing information...
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16 March 2010
Time to Learn from China on Open Standards?
One of the major battles under way in Europe is over open standards. As its name suggests, an open standard is one that is open to all, with...
04 February 2010
China (Hearts) Royalty-Free Standards?
This sounds great news for free software (and the world): China recently circulated a draft regulation regarding the use of patents in Chin...
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07 July 2008
(Still) Defending Openness in the EU
On Open Enterprise blog .
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