open source, open genomics, open creation
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31 March 2013
Reading the Google Reader Tea-leaves
If you were online late last night - and especially if you were on Twitter - you may have noted an enormous wave of pain and anger sweepi...
03 December 2009
RSS Feed for All Comments for Opendotdotdot
After some prodding by a reader (thanks Rob), I've finally switched on the RSS feed for *all* comments, not just on a per-story basis, f...
03 March 2008
What Planet Are They On?
First there were RSS feeds, but that soon became too messy. So people have bundled up similar feeds into planets - clever. Here's one ...
01 January 2008
In a Bit of a Scrape
"Mix and mash" lies at the heart of the power of openness: it allows people to come up with new, often better, uses of data, notab...
14 August 2007
RSS as the Lubricant of Openness
Facebook creaks open a little more - and RSS is the lubricant. (Via TechCrunch .)
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