open source, open genomics, open creation
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07 March 2008
Enter the (Komodo) Dragon
On Open Enterprise blog .
04 December 2007
What Does This Mean for NetBeans?
NetBeans has always been something of a mystery to me. I'd always regarded it as the runner-up IDE for Java, after Eclipse. But it...
30 October 2007
Microsoft Buys Open Source (Talent)
I predict we'll see much more of this : Microsoft has hired the creator of the SubSonic tool set and plans to use SubSonic as a key part...
06 September 2007
Enter the Open Komodo Dragon
I've always been struck by how little known the company ActiveState is, given that it's worked with many open source languages such...
27 June 2007
Eclipse Eclipses Itself
As I wrote over a year ago, Eclipse is really open source's best-kept secret. Today, the best got even better : The Eclipse Foundatio...
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