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26 July 2014
European Court Of Human Rights Fast-tracks Case Against GCHQ; More Organizations Launch Legal Challenges To UK Spying
Back in December, we wrote about a legal action that a group of digital rights activists had brought against GCHQ, alleging that the UK...
02 February 2014
Interview: Eben Moglen - "surveillance becomes the hidden service wrapped inside everything"
(This was original published in The H Open in March 2010.) Free software has won: practically all of the biggest and most exciting Web c...
23 November 2013
More NSA Spying Fallout: Brazilian President Snubs Obama Invitation, May Trigger Internet Balkanization
A couple of weeks ago, Techdirt noted that the Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff, was angry that the NSA had been reading her private ...
26 October 2013
German Minister Calls Security A 'Super Fundamental Right' That Outranks Privacy; German Press Call Him 'Idiot In Charge'
One of the striking features of the Snowden story is that there has been no serious attempt to deny the main claims about massive, global...
Controversial EU Data Protection Regulation May Be Negotiated In Secret In Breach Of Parliamentary Process
Today, the European Parliament held a three-hour long debate on PRISM, Tempora and what the EU response should be. Many wanted TAFTA/TTI...
Bolivian President's Jet Rerouted On Suspicions Snowden Could Be On Board; Multi-Country Outrage Ensues
The Snowden saga continues to deliver surprising twists and turns that may well have important geopolitical knock-on effects. The latest ...
Clear Thinking Needed in a Cloudy World
Last week I wrote about the perils of using proprietary software, where companies regularly hand over zero-day vulnerabilities to the U...
19 September 2013
Clueless Spanish Politicians Want To Join The Government Malware Club
As we've noted before, when it comes to the Internet, governments around the world have an unfortunate habit of copying each other...
Germany's Spies Have NSA Envy: Currently Working To Build Their Own Comprehensive Snooping System
One unfortunate knock-on effect of the revelations about the extent of NSA information gathering seems to be that the spies in other cou...
GCHQ Revelations Destroy Case for Snooper's Charter
So the revelations from Edward Snowden keep on coming, exposing ever-more profound attacks on privacy and democracy in the UK and elsewh...
How Can Any Company Ever Trust Microsoft Again?
Irrespective of the details of the current revelations about US spying being provided by Edward Snowden in the Guardian, there is alread...
How Does Prism Change the Way We See Things?
The extraordinary revelations about the NSA' s global spying programme Prism have only just started - was it really just last Thursd...
Do Dutch Spies Also Have Access To PRISM's Data? And If So, Who Else Does?
In the wake of the leaks about NSA's spying activities around the world, one of the interesting subsidiary questions is: who else h...
NSA Spying Revelations Start To Cause Outrage In Europe; China Next?
News that the NSA has unfettered access to most of the leading Internet services inevitably has an international dimension. After all, ...
18 September 2013
Kiwis Want To Spy On All Communications, VPNs, And Be Able To Use Secret Evidence Against You
Although New Zealand's decision not to allow patents for programs " as such " was welcome, other moves there have been more...
Mozilla Sends Cease And Desist Letter To Commercial Spyware Company For Using Firefox Trademark And Code To Trick Users
Techdirt has written several times about the increasing tendency for governments around the world to turn to malware as a way of spying ...
10 February 2013
Australia's Spies Want To Put Members Of The Public At Risk By Using Them To Pass On Malware to Suspected Terrorists
Last year we wrote about the German police using malware to spy on members of the public. Now ASIO, Australia's national secret serv...
13 October 2012
Creepy Smartphone Malware Re-creates Your Home For Stalkers
It's become something of a cliché that anyone with a mobile phone is carrying a tracking device that provides detailed information ab...
11 April 2012
Just Because It's Now Cheaper And Easier To Spy On Everyone All The Time, Doesn't Mean Governments Should Do It
Rick Falkvinge has another of his fascinating posts up on his Web site, but this one's slightly different from his usual insights into...
01 August 2011
Why the UK Cover-up of ISP Spying Proposal?
The documents obtained by FoI requests that I referred to in an earlier post today have proved richer than we expected: Previously confide...
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