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10 August 2012
Europe Already Has Draft Standard For Real-Time Government Snooping On Services Like Facebook And Gmail
As the old joke goes, standards are wonderful things, that's why we have so many of them. But who would have thought that ETSI, the ...
21 June 2011
Of Standards and Software Patents
› has an interesting name and the following forthright self-description: Xiph.Org is a collection of open source, multimedia-related ...
04 February 2010
China (Hearts) Royalty-Free Standards?
This sounds great news for free software (and the world): China recently circulated a draft regulation regarding the use of patents in Chin...
1 comment:
24 February 2009
CK-12 Foundation Re-invents Textbooks
It's no surprise that textbooks are being radically re-invented - after all, in the past they have been hideously expensive, which means...
04 January 2009
Major Win for ODF in Brazil
Great news for ODF in Brazil: it's becoming the official format for storing government agency dox: Já no passado mês de Abril de 2008, ...
12 June 2008
Trop de Tropes
Sigh : the world is not so simple as “open” or “closed.” Most software has both open and closed elements, and thus falls along a linear spec...
02 May 2008
Has OOXML Broken the British Standards Institution?
On Open Enterprise blog .
07 April 2008
One of the most heartening developments on the UK computing scene has been the evolution of BECTA, "the Government's lead agency fo...
02 April 2008
Whatever Happened to Standards?
On Open Enterprise blog .
10 March 2008
EU: Ewww on Patented Software Standards
Digital Majority News points us to a fine hidalgo asking a key question about the EU's policy on software standards: The 'European...
05 November 2007
A Question of Standards
Andy Updegrove's Standards Blog is one of my favourites, because he clearly knows what he is talking about, and this means his analyses...
29 August 2007
Ambushed by Patents
I've not written about the Rambus case before, because it seemed frankly rather dull. But I was wrong: there is an important principle ...
21 May 2007
Microsoft's New Mantra: Choice Is Good
Recently I was bemused by Microsoft's espousal of ODF, and now here we have the company spreading more joy: The company on Monday is ex...
05 October 2006
Warming Up Nicely with Firefox
Although it's hard to tell from this singularly unhelpful graph , Firefox continues to storm away. According to these figures, it has n...
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