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18 March 2008
Time for Sun to Join the Eclipse Empire?
On Open Enterprise blog .
14 March 2008
Bristol City Council Saves with ODF
On Open Enterprise blog .
27 February 2008
MySQL's Disappearing Anti-Patent Page
Here's a troubling observation : Go to the MySQL Web site and try to click on the MySQL anti-software patent page, and you won't fin...
12 February 2008
Next Up for Enterprise Open Source: Nexenta?
On Open Enterprise blog .
Microsoft Cunctator
Here's a classic example of how Microsoft plays the delaying game : Microsoft’s rival Sun Microsystems had complained to the Commission...
28 January 2008
Is MySQL's Fate the Future of Open Source?
On Linux Journal .
Nokia Buys Trolltech
On Open Enterprise blog .
19 January 2008
'L' is for 'Linux', Not 'Looney'
On Open Enterprise blog .
18 January 2008
Trendy Open Source M&A
On Open Enterprise blog .
16 January 2008
Extinguishing LAMP: Sun Buys MySQL
On Open Enterprise blog .
12 December 2007
Sun Open Sources Another Chip: So?
I'm pretty much the world's biggest fan of opening things up, but sometimes you do have to ask: what's the point? Sun Microsyste...
05 December 2007
Sun Gives Prizes to Teacher's Pet (Projects)
Sun has released some more details of its forthcoming Open Source Community Innovation Awards Program: which will foster innovation and rec...
26 November 2007
Soaraway Open Source
Rupert Murdoch's tabloid Sun newspaper, better known for its fascination with chest-tops rather than laptops, is nonetheless starting t...
14 November 2007
Sun Eyes Up GNU/Linux's Jugular
In the nicest possible way , of course: Dell and Sun Microsystems are set to announce that Sun's Solaris and OpenSolaris operating syste...
06 November 2007
The Java Phoenix
What a difference a year makes. In 2006, Java was looking distinctly long in the tooth. Widely used, yes, but hardly an exciting technology...
18 September 2007
IBM's Symphony Bolsters the ODF Choir
Goodness knows why it has taken so long, but IBM finally seems to have woken up to the fact that throwing all its weight behind ODF is much...
10 September 2007
IBM Goes to Work in the (Open)Office
Some might say about time, too : The community today announced that IBM will be joining the community to collaborate on the d...
03 September 2007
Open Source Darkstar...
› here (and not just promised .) Well done chaps, nonetheless.
05 August 2007
Wiki Wiki Sun
Wikis were born under the Hawaiian sun (well, the name was), so perhaps it's appropriate that Sun should have set up its own wikis , in ...
06 July 2007
Decoupling Software and Standards
As you may have noticed, there is a big bust-up over office file formats going on at the moment. On the one hand, we have ODF, which is a c...
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