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23 November 2013
India Joins The Super-Snooper's Club (No Legality Required)
One of the many benefits of Edward Snowden's leaks about NSA spying is that it is flushing out similar activity around the world. Ti...
26 October 2013
Two New Reports Confirm: Best Way To Reduce Piracy Dramatically Is To Offer Good Legal Alternatives
At the beginning of last year we reported on a Swedish study that showed that streaming services had halved the number of people who wer...
19 September 2013
Sweden Makes It Illegal To Take Photos In 'Private Environments' Without Permission
Here on Techdirt we've had stories about how the ubiquity of digital cameras is changing the way we look at public events and art . ...
31 March 2013
Swedish BitTorrent User Accused Of Sharing Beyonce Album, Hit By $233,000 Lawsuit From Sony
Lots of news regarding file-sharing has come out of Sweden over the years, but as TorrentFreak points out, until now, there's never be...
11 April 2012
Just Because It's Now Cheaper And Easier To Spy On Everyone All The Time, Doesn't Mean Governments Should Do It
Rick Falkvinge has another of his fascinating posts up on his Web site, but this one's slightly different from his usual insights into...
25 January 2012
New Market Research: Music Streaming Services Halve Illegal Downloads
For a long time, the copyright industries have taken the position that they won't launch new digital music services until piracy is ...
03 December 2011
The Pirate Party Effect: German Greens Scramble To Draw Up Digital Policies To Hold On To Voters
The founding of the Pirate Party in Sweden in 2006 was regarded by many as a joke. After all, the argument went, who would want to be as...
05 September 2011
The Great Copyright Conspiracy Laid Bare
My last post might have seemed slightly over the top - and indeed was meant to be. After all, it's not as if the US really wants to sub...
01 September 2011
Cents of Entitlement
The "copyright levy" - typically a charge levied on blank recording media such as audio tapes, CDs and DVDs - is a total anachroni...
29 April 2011
Who Was Really Behind the Digital Economy Act?
It was just over a year ago that the Digital Economy Act was passed. Of course, the battle to stop this insanity goes on, although the recen...
06 April 2011
How Gene Patents Cause Suffering
Here's a textbook case of how gene patents not only do *not* promote innovation, as is so frequently claimed, but slow it down - and wi...
08 November 2010
A Tale of Two Conferences
I was invited to give a talk at two recent conferences, the Berlin Commons Conference , and FSCONS 2010 . It's generally a pleasure to ...
25 August 2009 The Meme Spreads
It's really striking how the idea of open government has gone from nowhere a few months ago to hot meme of the moment. Here's the l...
30 April 2009
P2P is Political
Richard Stallman has always regarded free software as about freedom, and hence inherently political. And so it's no surprise that many ...
02 April 2009
"Piracy Law" Cuts *Traffic* not "Piracy"
This story is everywhere today: Internet traffic in Sweden fell by 33% as the country's new anti-piracy law came into effect, reports s...
14 January 2008
An Intellectual Approach to File Sharing
I've always assumed the Swedish Pirate Party were a bunch of anarchists who wanted to cock a snook at authority by disrupting one of it...
31 August 2007
More OOXML Goodness
I predict we will get plenty more like this : The Swedish Institute of Standards (SIS) has invalidated the vote that controversially approve...
04 January 2007
The Man Who Invented Freedom of Information
Anders Chydenius is hardly a well-known name; it should be: Last year, the Anders Chydenius Foundation celebrated the 240th anniversary of...
15 August 2006
Welcome to the Darknet
Darknet: it's got a lovely feel to it as you roll it around your mouth. But I wonder if it will leave a sour taste with governments aro...
19 May 2006
Sweet News for Sweden - But Not Only
A programme to promote open access in Sweden might seem of interest only to Swedes (or those who like to read Swedish academic papers), but...
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