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06 January 2013
Treaty Shopping: How Companies Tilt The Legal Playing Field For Investor-State Arbitration
Alongside globe-spanning treaties like ACTA and TPP, there are more subtle efforts to limit the power of national governments, through th...
13 December 2010
Big Tobacco: Saving Lives is "Expropriation"
Although I knew that there is yet another trade treaty being discussed between New Zealand, the US and others, I hadn't heard about thi...
05 February 2010
Opening Our Eyes to the Tilted Playing-Field
One of the subtlest ways of gaming the system is to hack the system before you even play - for example, by building in a bias that means you...
18 October 2009
Opencourseware Comes Under Attack
It was bound to happen: opencourseware is under attack : While seeking to make college more accessible, the Obama administration has launche...
07 August 2007
In Denial
This is an important story - not so much for what it says, but for the fact that it is being said by a major US title like Newsweek : Since...
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