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08 February 2012
USPTO Says Copies Of Academic Articles Submitted As Prior Art Are Covered By Fair Use
With all the heat that publishers are starting to feel from the academic community, you might have thought that they'd avoid upsetti...
29 June 2010
Botching Bilski
So, the long-awaited US Supreme Court ruling on Bilski vs. Kappos has appeared – and it's a mess. Where many hoped fervently for some cl...
20 July 2009
Patents *Are* Monopolies: It's Official
As long-suffering readers of this blog will know, I refer to patents and copyrights as intellectual monopolies because, well, that's wha...
11 February 2009
India Fights Patents with Huge Prior Art Database
One of the many problems with the patent offices around the world is that they are often unaware of prior art, granting patents for so-calle...
22 July 2008
The Death of US Software Patents?
That seems to be the conclusion in this amazing posting by John F. Duffy on the Patently O patent law blog: The Patent and Trademark Office...
1 comment:
17 October 2007
Amazon One-Click Patent Struck Down
Here's an amazing victory : In a recent office action, the USPTO has rejected the claims of the one-click patent following th...
03 October 2007
US Patent Reform Slouches Towards Bethlehem
But at last it seems to be happening : This case involved a guy who was trying to patent the concept of "mandatory arbitration involvin...
09 September 2007
Glimmer of Hope for US Patent System
A small step towards patent sanity has been taken : The House approved the most sweeping changes to United States patent law in more than ha...
12 January 2006
Closing off Microsoft's Patent Options
Patents are boring - but important. They are the chokepoint for much intellectual activity - especially the kind discussed in these pages -...
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