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11 April 2011
UK Newspapers Confirm Digital Death-Wish
I thought I had plumbed the depths of the UK newspaper industry's stupidity when it came to digital. The idea that putting up paywalls ...
13 January 2010
How Solid is the Great Firewall of China?
Here's the best description I've read of the situation: Anybody inside China who really wants to get to -- or BBC or what...
06 October 2008
Having Lots of Fon
One of the blogs I really enjoy reading is that of Fon's founder, Martin Varsavsky. What I love about his writing is his candour: he ...
20 April 2007
BeThere? I'd Rather BeSquare
I've sometimes been vaguely tempted by BeThere 's promises of "up to 24 Meg download" speeds. No more, if this is how it ...
03 April 2006
To DRM or Not to DRM - That is the Question
Digital Rights Management - or Digital Restrictions Management as Richard Stallman likes to call it - is a hot topic at the moment. It figu...
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