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05 November 2008
Too Right
This is something that I've been thinking in the context of the wretched "three strikes and you're out": The internet is ...
10 October 2008
Sawing Off the Branch on which We Sit
I am a great believer in trees and the commons they form; it seems to me that going beyond preserving them to extend their coverage across t...
12 July 2007
Why Biofuels Are Bonkers, Part 3875
I knew biofuels were environmentally bad news, but it seems that they are even worse than I imagined: Glub, glub. The plant consumes over a...
07 June 2007
Microsoft, Its Rose and the Canker
Now here's an interesting thing : Developing the Future is an annual report examining the impact of the software development industry on...
16 May 2007
Fighting Climate Change with Open Data
Here's an interesting idea on several levels: the Zerofootprint platform, powered by Business Objects, provides urban dwellers the abil...
20 March 2007
Tragedy of the Water Commons
Sigh . Some of the world's major rivers are reaching crisis point because of dams, shipping, pollution and climate change, according to ...
20 January 2007
The Richard Stallman of Water
Heavy , man: Late last year, I had a lunch meeting in New York City with the president of a foundation associated with a national protestant...
03 May 2006
The Commons of Water
Great meditation on water as a commons - and how we need to change the way companies are allowed to "graze" this commons for prof...
21 April 2006
Music to My Ears
There's a fascinating story over on BBC News, nominally about Madonna, but really about a new commons. It reports on how concerts are ...
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