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william patry
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william patry
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22 August 2009
Why We Must Call Them "Intellectual Monopolies"
As long-suffering readers of this blog will know, I insist on calling patents and copyrights "intellectual monopolies". That'...
03 August 2008
A Sad Day for Copyright
In the dark, twisted world of copyright, one ray of light has been William Patry's blog . No more : I have decided to end the blog, aft...
22 May 2008
Of Books, Sharing and the First Sale Doctrine
Here's a short but poignant meditation on the centrality of sharing to the joy of books: Ultimately, I do not much care whether these bo...
16 April 2008
Where Would We Be Without Patry?
William Patry, incidentally Google's copyright man, and, more pertinently, pretty much the world's leading expert on anglo-american ...
03 April 2008
Attack of the Copyright Were-Rabbit
There is a counter-reformation movement afoot in the world of copyright. The purpose of the movement is to chill the willingness of countrie...
13 December 2007
Why Has Copyright Expanded? - The Answer
Not mine, but Neil Netanel ’s: Numerous commentators, including myself, have decried the growth of copyright holder rights in recent decades...
12 December 2007
Messrs. Copyright and Copyright Say "Basta!"
William Patry is Senior Copyright Counsel, Google; he's also author of a seven-volume, 6,000 page treatise on copyright, which suggests ...
11 January 2007
Google's Patry on "Patry on Copyright"
It would be hard to imagine a more definitive study of the field of copyright than this : over 5,500 pages, in seven volumes, occupying 25 i...
30 November 2006
Going All Googly on Copyright
Some people might say I already write too much about copyright; but for those who don't, and are dying for even more of the stuff, here...
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