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31 October 2014
Response to EU Ombudsman's Consultation on TTIP Transparency
The EU Ombudsman is running a consultation on how to improve the transparency of the TTIP negotiations. This shouldn't be hard, ...
23 November 2013
US Ambassador To The UN Says WIPO Too Biased Against IP Holders
Back in 2010, Techdirt reported on a fairly remarkable comment from the US ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Betty E. King, who said at a p...
19 September 2013
Copyright Exceptions Gaining Ground Around The World -- But Not For The Blind
There finally seems to be a growing recognition in many countries that copyright is not fit for the digital age. In the US, the Copyrig...
WIPO: Informal Economy Innovates In The Absence Of Intellectual Monopolies
One of the problems with the debates around copyright and patents is that they too often assume that intellectual monopolies are necessar...
06 April 2012
Where TPP Goes Beyond ACTA -- And How It Shows Us The Future Of IP Enforcement
ACTA and TPP have much in common. That's no coincidence, since they are both born of a common desire to move away from multilateral f...
12 October 2011
WIPO Article About Manga Piracy Describes Publishers' Failure To Meet Demand In Graphic Detail
Somehow you rather expect the head of the WIPO to come out with a statement on the potential benefits of patenting the World Wide Web. Bu...
09 September 2011
Help Stop the Blind Being Kicked in the Teeth Again
I frequently cover the subject of copyright on this blog because increasingly it is impacting the lives of readers, both as individuals a...
1 comment:
17 June 2011
The Arrogance of Artists (and Publishers)
You wouldn't expect much else from a meeting organised by WIPO, but this is pretty rich even for them: Copyright is necessary to allow ...
19 May 2011
World Copyright Summit: 7 Billion Elephants
In a couple of weeks' time, the World Copyright Summit takes place in Brussels: Creating value in the digital economy The World Copyrig...
26 April 2011
Breaking the Monopoly of Celebration
Today is apparently something called " World Intellectual Property Day ". How bizarre to be celebrating government-backed monopol...
25 November 2010
Why ACTA is Doomed (Part 2)
A couple of days ago I wrote that ACTA was doomed because its attempts to enforce copyright through even more punitive measures will simply...
27 May 2010
Let's Make the Visually Impaired Full Digital Citizens
As I wrote recently in my Open... blog, copyright is about making a fair deal: in return for a government-supported, time-limited monopoly, ...
08 December 2009
Intellectual Monopolists Scorn the Blind
The ever-vigilant James Love pointed to this fascinating submission from the UK's venerable Royal National Institute of the Blind [. pdf...
03 November 2009
WIPO Boss: ACTA Should be Open, Transparent
Wow : On the secretive Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, Gurry said that WIPO too did not know a great deal about the talks. “Naturally w...
1 comment:
13 July 2009
What Are Intellectual Monopolies For?
If you still doubted that intellectual monopolies are in part a neo-colonialist plot to ensure the continuing dominance of Western nations, ...
15 April 2009
Goodbye WIPO, Hello ACTA?
Something strange is happening at the WIPO: it's becoming more reasonable. Where once it was a bastion of intellectual monopoly intransi...
31 March 2009
Trailing Clouds of Openness
As you may have heard, there's been a bit of a to-do over a new “Open Cloud Manifesto.” Here's the central idea: The industry needs ...
26 March 2009
Patents Fail to Make Patent = Patent Failure
WIPO has just published a study entitled Dissemination of Patent Information. I've not read it, but here's someone who has, with ...
24 March 2009
Why Software Should not be Patentable
As I've written elsewhere today, there's a lot of activity happening around software patents at the moment. One forum where they...
13 June 2008
More Unspeakable Acts
Michael Geist has been warning about this for a while, and now the beast is out : Today the Government of Canada introduced long-overdue and...
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