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08 September 2010
Taking Openness to the Next Level
Yesterday I wrote about one particular issue with standards: the fact that the associated patent licensing (if applicable) can shut out fre...
04 January 2009
Another Reason to Run GNU/Linux...
And a pretty important one : The Home Office has quietly adopted a new plan to allow police across Britain routinely to hack into people’s p...
02 December 2008
No Longer Wireless-less
Now that open source has largely overcome its earlier problems with limited application availability – there's practically no area today...
11 March 2008
Open what ? A "spime" (the word -- a contraction of "space" and "time" -- was coined by sci-fi writer Bruce St...
16 July 2007
Why We Need a Knowledge Commons
Here's a neat device : With Exbiblio, you have seamless, direct access to digital information and the world of the Internet. Imagine onc...
21 May 2007
Open Motes
Wow, a new one on me: SquidBee is an Open Hardware and Source wireless sensor device. The goal of SquidBee is getting an "open mote...
30 April 2007
Easy Access to IPv6 at Last?
You probably don't realise it, but the Internet is a dinosaur. More specially, the Internet numbering system is palaeolithic, and needs...
29 January 2007
GNU/Linux on the Desktop: Get the Facts
Some say that 2007 is the year GNU/Linux is going to make its breakthrough on the desktop - just like last year, and the year before that. ...
11 January 2007
Drawing Closer: Location Awareness
I'm afraid this is proprietary for the moment, but the idea's clearly generalisable : Skyhook Wireless announced at the...
28 December 2006
Why Wireless is Hopeless: Manufacturers are Clueless
Here's a thorough journalistic investigation into why manufacturers of wireless hardware have been less than helpful to the free softwa...
19 July 2006
The Open Source Mesh Begins to Mesh
I'm a big fan of open source meshes, with their potential to offer alternative ways of accessing the Internet. I'd not heard of the...
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