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29 July 2012
Sweded Movies: The Fans Talk Back
One of the defining characteristics of the digital world -- and one of the problems for copyright law, which was conceived in an analog ag...
16 March 2010
Beethoven by Numbers
One of the reasons I am so excited by Spotify is that it is asymptotically approaching an online library of All Music. Even in its necessar...
11 November 2009
Brazil to Allow Private Copying and Mashups
I always said Brazil was a civilised country: O MinC proporá que a cópia privada de qualquer tipo de obra digital seja permitida sem a auto...
02 July 2008
From Smashup to Mashup
As somebody who is not wont to restrain himself when the UK government gets it hideously wrong on the IT front (hello, ID cards), it behoves...
12 February 2008
I wrote recently about the wonderful WikipediaVision : be warned, if you thought that was good, you'll love Flickrvision too - and hav...
01 January 2008
In a Bit of a Scrape
"Mix and mash" lies at the heart of the power of openness: it allows people to come up with new, often better, uses of data, notab...
08 June 2007
The Power of (Open) Information
Here's an important study , called The Power of Information , that is actually all about the power of *open* information: This is an unu...
06 June 2007
Open Cities Toronto 2007
Open Cities Toronto 2007 is a weekend-long web of conversation and celebration that asks: how do we collaboratively add more open to the urb...
04 May 2007
Heavenly Mashups
One of the most important innovations of the Web 2.0 era has been the mashup. As I've noted before, mashups really need underlying mesh...
09 December 2006
Wordie for Wordies
How could I not love this totally pointless site ? Actually, come to think of it, I'm sure it'll feed into some interesting mashups...
29 October 2006
Googly Earthy Mashups
And talking of Google Earth mashups, here's a fascinating list of speculations about what might be coming or, at least, possible.
Wikipedia in Google Earth
As I've mentioned before , mashups are all about the underlying mesh. And what better mesh for knowledge than Google Earth? And what b...
24 October 2006
Unreal Mashups
This is getting seriously weird. DestroyTV lets RLers watch an island in SL, using an embedded video camera (which is "in" both S...
06 July 2006
A Time There Was
I've noted before how mashups depend upon the existence of some kind of mesh ; typically this is geographical (which is why so many mash...
05 January 2006
Open Data - Good; Open Access - Bad?
Great story in Nature about data mashups - the mixing together of data drawn from disparate sources to create a sum greater than the parts....
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