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world wide web
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Showing posts with label
world wide web
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17 March 2013
Online Polish Loses Some Of Its Polish
If it is to be true to its name, the World Wide Web ought to reflect the planet's full cultural and linguistic diversity. Currently...
09 August 2011
In Praise of the World Wide Web, Openness and Sharing
As you may have gathered, the World Wide Web celebrated its 20th birthday recently, since it was publicly announced for the first time on 6 ...
12 November 2010
Time for a "Turing/Berners-Lee" Day?
On this day , in 1937: Alan Turing’s paper entitled "On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungs-problem" appea...
10 November 2010
Xanadu and the Digital Pleasure-Dome
I consider myself fortunate to have been around at the time of the birth of the Internet as a mass medium, which I date to the appearance of...
02 April 2010
RMS and Tim Berners-Lee: Separated at Birth?
We all knew that Sir Tim was a total star, choosing to give away the Web rather than try to make oodles of billions from it. Some of us eve...
22 March 2010
Saint Tim Berners-Lee
Here's a fine piece of hagiography , with a really excellent conclusion that touches on those diabolical software patents : The founders...
10 November 2008
ESR: He Speak the Truth (Technically Speaking)
Sadly, it's become something of an event when Eric Raymond offers one of his stimulating essays on technology. I know he's supposed...
30 April 2008
The Free Web: 15 Years Old Today
It was exactly 15 years ago that the Web was made free : Heute vor 15 Jahren erhielten Tim Berners-Lee und Robert Cailliau vom Genfer Kernfo...
14 September 2007
Let Us Now Praise Filezilla
FTP doesn't get much respect these days, when most people equate the Internet with the Web. But for uploads and offline storage, you ca...
30 March 2007
ODF: The Speech
A rather fine little speech about ODF and the virtues of openness, made by IBM's Bob Sutor as part of his testimony to the Texas House ...
27 March 2007
Zimbra's World Wide Desktop
Zimbra is part of a new generation of open source enterprise apps that are really starting to be taken seriously by companies. The origina...
15 March 2007
Webly Openness from the Horse's Mouth
Sir Tim has been talking to a bunch of boring politicians. Here's my favourite bit - a neat distillation of why Net neutrality matters...
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