Straws in the Wind
Alongside all the high-profile wins for free software, there are what might be called guerilla gains happening in the b
ackground – small conceptual victories that point to greater things. Here's two....
On Open Enterprise blog.
open source, open genomics, open creation
Alongside all the high-profile wins for free software, there are what might be called guerilla gains happening in the b
ackground – small conceptual victories that point to greater things. Here's two....
On Open Enterprise blog.
Posted by Glyn Moody at 10:06 am 0 comments
Labels: apple, creative labs, drivers, Microsoft, open enterprise, steve ballmer, webkit
Posted by Glyn Moody at 12:56 pm 0 comments
Labels: asustek, creative labs, dell, drivers, lenovo, open enterprise, via
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