Showing posts with label ubiquity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ubiquity. Show all posts

28 August 2008

Mozilla Gets Google's Moolah for 3 More Years

This is important:

Another important element is the financial resources Mozilla enjoys. We’ve just renewed our agreement with Google for an additional three years. This agreement now ends in November of 2011 rather than November of 2008, so we have stability in income. We’re also learning more all the time about how to use Mozilla’s financial resources to help contributors through infrastructure, new programs, and new types of support from employees.

The deal with Google is bringing in over $60 million a year: that's a huge resource, unmatched by any other open source project. It lets Mozilla defend the open Web - and dream, with things like this. (Via Standblog.)

07 January 2008

The Value of Scarcity in the Age of Ubiquity

This is the future:

Just when digital reproduction makes it possible to create a “Rembrandt” good enough to fool the eye, the “real” Rembrandt becomes more expensive than ever. Why? Because the same free flow that makes information cheap and reproducible helps us treasure the sight of information that is not. A story gains power from its attachment, however tenuous, to a physical object. The object gains power from the story. The abstract version may flash by on a screen, but the worn parchment and the fading ink make us pause. The extreme of scarcity is intensified by the extreme of ubiquity.

(Via Boing Boing.)