Flickr: Happy Two Billionth!
Flickr has reached its two billionth picture: and that's just the beginning....
open source, open genomics, open creation
Flickr has reached its two billionth picture: and that's just the beginning....
Posted by
Glyn Moody
11:00 am
Labels: australia, blognation, flickr, open content, two billion
I was a big fan of the Vecosys blog - I even got used to its horrible name. And then it went away, only to emerge, phoenix-like, from the ashes, as something bigger and bolder: Blognation.
Blognation is certainly an ambitious”“Go Big or Go Home”” project, the aim being to report on the Web 2.0 startup ecosystem around the globe including, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Denmark Portugal, Italy, Iceland, Netherlands, Japan, China / Taiwan / Hong Kong, Australia, Brazil, South America, all with the help of 16+ blognation editors who are getting ready to start writing.
Today sees the launch of blognation UK and over the coming weeks and months all of the other aforementioned blogs will be launched. And proving that I certainly don’t lack ambition, I am currently speaking with a further 10 more prospective editors to cover Canada, Russia, India, South Africa, South Korea, South-East Asia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey and Greece.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:06 pm
Labels: australia, Belgium, blognation, brazil, china, denmark, france spain, germany, hong kong, iceland, ireland, italy, japan, netherlands, portugal, south america, taiwan, UK
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