You Know Virtual Goods Are Real...
...when they have their own summit. (Via Virtual China.)
open source, open genomics, open creation
...when they have their own summit. (Via Virtual China.)
Posted by
Glyn Moody
8:59 am
Labels: summit, virtual goods, virtual worlds
One thing that is evident online is that the line between real and virtual is increasingly evanescent (for the full half-hour argument, read Ed Castronova's thought-provoking Synthetic Worlds.) It follows that the companies that will thrive tomorrow are the ones that can seamlessly accommodate the sometimes disturbingly virtual alongside the comfier real.
Cross eBay off the list:
eBay is now delisting all auctions for 'virtual artifacts' from the site. This includes currency, items, and accounts/characters
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:55 am
Labels: ebay, ed castronova, synthetic worlds, virtual goods, virtual money
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