How can I resist a pitch like this?
Openserving extends the essence of the open source model — free software and content — to all aspects of web-based computing.
You can set up your own collaborative blogging site.
All articles are sorted democratically.
Sound good?
Here's a bonus: keep 100% of the ad revenue for yourself.
Highly laudable, but it's this bit that worries me:
Wikia founder and chairman Jimmy Wales said, "Social change has accelerated beyond the original Wikipedia concept of six years ago. People are rapidly adopting new conventions for working together to do great things, and Wikia is a major beneficiary of that trend. OpenServing is the next phase of this experiment. We don’t have all the business model answers, but we are confident – as we always have been – that the wisdom of our community will prevail."
I see: so you mean that although you lose money on every user, you make up on volume?