Freeing The Future of Ideas
Larry Lessig's The Future of Ideas is one of the key books of the open content world, so it's particularly appropriate that it should now be freely available as a download.
Read it. Now.
open source, open genomics, open creation
Larry Lessig's The Future of Ideas is one of the key books of the open content world, so it's particularly appropriate that it should now be freely available as a download.
Read it. Now.
Posted by Glyn Moody at 9:51 am 0 comments
Labels: commons, downloads, future of ideas, larry lessig, open content
...des idées - gratuit. (Via
Posted by Glyn Moody at 4:49 pm 0 comments
Labels: commons copyright, france, french, future of ideas, gratuit, l'avenir des idées, larry lessig
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