Water, Water, Everywhere - Linked by Open Source
Is there no domain in which open source is not storming ahead? What about this:
OpenMI stands for Open Modelling Interface and Environment, a standard for model linkage in the water domain.
Integrated catchment management asks for integrated analysis that can be supported by integrated modelling systems. These modelling systems can only be developed and maintained if they are based on a collection of interlinked models. OpenMI has been designed to provide a widely accepted unified method to link models, both legacy code and new ones.
To support those adopting the OpenMI, a set of tools has been developed to aid conversion, and simplify the configuration and running of linked models. These utilities make up the Open Modelling Environment. The commercial implications of the OpenMI have been considered both from the points of view of the vendors/suppliers of existing systems and the developers of new models and related tools. OpenMI avoids the need to abandon or rewrite current applications, thus protecting the huge investment in model development. Making a new component OpenMI compliant simplifies the process of bringing it to the market place and ensures it will be interoperable with many other systems.
And in case you were wondering:
The OpenMI source code is available under the GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
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