From Extremadura, with Love, to Vietnam
Here's an interesting demonstration of the importance of flagship projects for the open source world:
Una delegación del Gobierno de Vietnam, que se encuentra durante estos días en Extremadura, ha visitado ayer lunes el Nuevo Centro del Conocimiento (NCC) de La Antigua, en Mérida, con el objetivo de conocer la metodología de trabajo que desarrolla el Plan de Alfabetización Tecnológica y Software Libre de Extremadura (PAT).
[A delegation from the Vietnamese Government, which is currently in Extremadura, visited the Nuevo Centro del Conocimiento (NCC) of La Antigua, in Merida, last Monday, with the aim of getting to know the methodology that the Technological Literacy and Free Software Scheme of Extremadura (PAT) is developing.]
Nothing like seeing how free software works at first hand for convincing people. (Via Erwin Tenhumberg, who also links to a story about Vietnam taking the plunge elsewhere with 20,000 seats.)