Wood Wide Web is Collaborative
Apparently. (Via Boing Boing.)
open source, open genomics, open creation
Apparently. (Via Boing Boing.)
Posted by
Glyn Moody
12:41 pm
Labels: collaboration, spiders, wood wide web
TechCrunch notes the rise of a new class of services:
part blogging, part genealogy and part something unique. They are focused on the very long term - getting and then keeping customers for decades, and encouraging friends and especially family members to join, too. Once they’re hooked, they’ve spent so much time building content that they are very unlikely to ever leave.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
7:25 am
Labels: dandelife, geni, my family, my heritage, our story, privacy, spiders, story of my life, techcrunch, viral
I have always been fascinated by search engines. Back in March 1995, I wrote a short feature about the new Internet search engines - variously known as spiders, worms and crawlers at the time - that were just starting to come through:
As an example of the scale of the World-Wide Web (and of the task facing Web crawlers), you might take a look at Lycos (named after a spider). It can be found at the URL http://lycos.cs.cmu.edu/. At the time of writing its database knew of a massive 1.75 million URLs.
The latest pretender to the title of top Web searcher is called Alta Vista, and comes from the computer manufacturer Digital. It can be found at http://www.altavista.digital.com/, and as usual costs nothing to use. As with all the others, it claims to be the biggest and best and promises direct access to every one of 8 billion words found in over 16 million Web pages.
Google (home page at http://google.stanford.edu/) ranks search result pages on the basis of which pages link to them.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
4:06 pm
Labels: alta vista, crawlers, findability, google, lycos, peter suber, search engines, spiders, worms
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