Should We Boycott Microsoft? Can We?
On Linux Journal.
open source, open genomics, open creation
On Linux Journal.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
11:20 am
Labels: boycott beijing 2008, boycotts, brad smith, Microsoft, ooxml, ray ozzie, software patents
Here's a piece about cloud computing that ask a pertinent question:
Why isn't the world's biggest and most powerful software company taking the initiative here? For all of Microsoft's chest beating about internet delivery as the next phase of its development, we've seen precious little in the way of action.
There are so many reasons that it's hard to pin down. Perhaps it's with Ray Ozzie, the successor to Bill Gates, who is still settling into his job. Or perhaps it's just the stifling bureaucracy of a corporation that stretches as far as the eye can see.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
8:40 am
Labels: Amazon, bill gates, cloud computing, google, LAMP, Microsoft, ray ozzie
Interesting comments here from Ray Ozzie - "chief software architect" number 2 (after Bill) - on open source and Microsoft's relationship to it:
My position toward open source generally is that it's a part of the environment. It's very useful for developers to be able to get the source code to certain things, to modify them. Microsoft fundamentally, as a whole, has changed dramatically as a result of open-source as people have been using it more and more. The nature of interoperability between our systems and other systems has increased. I can tell you from an inside perspective ... when you build a new product, immediately you start thinking, how shall this product expose its APIs. ...
Open source is a reality. We have a software business that is based on proprietary software. We tactically or strategically, depending on how you look at it, will take certain aspects of what we do and we will open-source them where we believe there is a real benefit to the community and to the nature of the growth of that technology in open-sourcing it. ... The bottom line is we believe very much in the quality of Microsoft products and we are an (intellectual-property) based business. But we live in a world together with open-source, and we have to make it possible for you to build solutions, or customers to build solutions, that incorporate aspects of that.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
8:56 pm
Labels: chief software architect, Microsoft, ray ozzie
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