Has Microsoft Got a Job for You...
Since it's Monday morning, I thought I'd start the week gently, with a little humour, courtesy of a Microsoft job ad. After all, who could read the following without laughing?
On Open Enterprise blog.
open source, open genomics, open creation
Since it's Monday morning, I thought I'd start the week gently, with a little humour, courtesy of a Microsoft job ad. After all, who could read the following without laughing?
Posted by
Glyn Moody
10:24 am
Labels: computerworld uk, fud, intellectual monopolies, interoperability, jobs, Microsoft, open enterprise, truth
Posted by
Glyn Moody
4:53 pm
Labels: eu, metrics, open enterprise, quality, sqo-oss, truth
The facts behind the UK cracker who ill-advisedly decided to break into Pentagon systems just gets more and more bizarre. The main issue is that this poor bloke faces porridge in Guantanamo Bay - with hot and cold running torture (mental and physical), kindly provided by that nice Uncle Sam. But along the way there are issues of jurisdiction, questions about George W. Bush's favourite poodle, UFOs and Microsoft.
Yes, it's actually all Microsoft's fault.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:17 pm
Labels: george w bush, guantanamo bay, microsoft, poodles, terrorism, torture camps, truth, ufos, uncle sam
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