Could Your Company Survive a Net Block?
As part of the seemingly endless round of consultations (I'm not complaining - this is how it should be done), the UK government is asking about parental internet controls:
On Open Enterprise blog.
open source, open genomics, open creation
As part of the seemingly endless round of consultations (I'm not complaining - this is how it should be done), the UK government is asking about parental internet controls:
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:14 pm
Labels: censorship, consultation, open enterprise, parents, UK
Here's an unbelievably shameless attempt by Sir Roger Singleton to shout down the justified concern in the face of the insane UK government vetting scheme, which he heads. Let's consider some of his comments.
It is not about interfering with the sensible arrangements which parents make with each other to take their children to schools and clubs.
It is not about subjecting a quarter of the population to intensive scrutiny of their personal lives
it is not about creating mistrust between adults and children
it is not about ... discouraging volunteering
Posted by
Glyn Moody
10:10 am
Labels: education, parents, police state, surveillance, UK, vetting
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