An interesting story here:
Microsoft wants to make its Windows operating system available on the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) notebook computers, OLPC chairman Nicholas Negroponte said at the NetEvents conference in Hong Kong on Saturday.
"We put in an SD slot in the machine just for Bill. We didn't need it but the OLPC machines are at Microsoft right now, getting Windows put on them."
The SD slot is needed so that memory can be boosted sufficiently to run Windows. That probably won't be a problem in terms of cost, because memory just keeps on getting cheaper. But what's deeply ironic here is that the current price of the GNU/Linux-based OLPC system - around $140 - is utterly dwarfed by the cost of Windows. Obviously Microsoft will offer a cut-down, el cheapo version, but nonetheless the unjustifiable disparity between hardware and software costs is striking.
Microsoft's interest is understandable - it doesn't want to lose a potentially huge and impressionable market. What is less understandable is Negroponte's willingness to give up all his fine principles of empowering children, and to allow them to be shackled by closed source/DRM/Trusted Computing - for what looks like a rather pathetic and unbecoming reason:
"I have known [Microsoft chairman] Bill Gates his entire adult life. We talk, we meet one-on-one, we discuss this project," said Negroponte, according to a transcript provided to
Gosh, you must be important. (Via