After Open Access - Open Discourse?
This is not exactly a new idea, but it's a further sign of how things are moving from basic open access to a more participatory, bloggy kind of world:
How often have you asked yourself how a certain study was published unchallenged, without the results of a key control? How often have you wondered whether a paper’s authors performed a specific procedure correctly? How often have you had the opportunity to question authors about previously published or opposing results they failed to cite, or discuss the difficulties of reproducing certain results? How often have you had the opportunity to command a discussion of an internal contradiction the referees seemed to have missed? The haves of science, who benefit from the status quo they shepherd, have seldom felt the need to redress such grievances. The have nots have basically been stuck with their lot – until now.
Enter (1), a website forum for open peer review and discussion/criticism of medical literature. Essentially an online journal club with free membership, provides a venue which will improve communication among physicians and scientists and foster comment and criticism about published scientific research.
(Via Open Access News.)