RMS "Broke into Microsoft and Stole Software"...
...that, at least, is what this deranged story in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper claims:
Ричард Столлман. В 1990 году он объявил крестовый поход против компании Microsoft и ряда других китов компьютерного бизнеса. Он взламывал сайты, где предлагалось купить новое программное оборудование. И потом раздавал его народу бесплатно.
[Via Google Translate: Richard Stollman. In 1990, he announced a crusade against Microsoft and several other whale computer business. He cracks the sites where the proposed purchase new software. And then handed out to the people free.]
Not quite sure why the newspaper has the word "Pravda" - truth - in its title given the utter incorrectness of this from just about every viewpoint. (Via Stargrave's blog.)