Modular Magazines
After modular books, now this:
Google may soon begin to offer users the ability to create customized, printed magazines from Internet content. And print ads included in the magazine would be customized, too.
The future is modular.
open source, open genomics, open creation
After modular books, now this:
Google may soon begin to offer users the ability to create customized, printed magazines from Internet content. And print ads included in the magazine would be customized, too.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
11:15 am
Labels: google, magazines, modularity, open content, print ads
Here's a thoughtful post:
Somehow it seemed that blogging just isn't that hot anymore. The feeling has been exacerbated by the latest slow down in news. My feeds just do not update that often these days. Can it be that the digestion phase applies to blogs just as it applies to startups? In this post we'll investigate whether the blogosphere is going through a digestion phase.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:38 pm
Labels: blogging, blogosphere, dotcom 1.0, magazines, newspapers, pr agencies
Posted by
Glyn Moody
8:52 am
Labels: distros, full circle, magazines, Ubuntu, wiki
I know, I know, magazines are so twentieth century. This one is different - it's a PDF magazine (OK, so that's worse). But at least it's entirely devoted to the world's favourite IDE: Eclipse. As a result, it tells you rather more than you might want to know, but it's good for skimming. (Via Bob Sutor's Open Blog.)
Posted by
Glyn Moody
5:59 pm
Most of us think of open access as a great way of reading the latest research online, so there is an implicit assumption that open access is only about the cutting edge. This also flows from the fact that most open access journals are recent launches, and those that aren't usually only provide content for volumes released after a certain (recent) date, for practical reasons of digital file availability, if nothing else.
This makes the joint Wellcome Trust and National Libary of Medicine project to place 200 years of biomedical journals online by scanning them a major expansion not just to the open access programme, but to the whole concept of open access.
It also hints at what the end-goal of open access must be: the online availability of every journal, magazine, newspaper, pamphlet, book, manuscript, tablet, inscription, statue, seal and ostracon that has survived the ravages of history - the digital sum of all written human knowledge.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
1:32 pm
Labels: books, inscription, journal, magazines, manuscript, national library of medicine, newspapers, ostracon, pamphlet, seal, statue, tablet, wellcome trust
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