Can We Avoid the Great Schism?
At Linux Journal.
open source, open genomics, open creation
At Linux Journal.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
9:49 am
Labels: gnome, kde, linux journal, matthias ettrich, miguel de icaza, odf, ooxml, schism
Nowadays we are used to content being released under a Creative Commons licence, which has become the kind of de facto free licence for content. So it's rather curious that the biggest free content project of them all - Wikipedia - does not use such licences, but one from the FSF. The explanation is simple: at the time that Wikipedia got going, the only licence that was practical was the GNU Free Documentation Licence.
Hitherto, it's been impossible to reconcile these two, but that looks like it might finally be changing:
It is hereby resolved that:
* The [Wikimedia] Foundation requests that the GNU Free Documentation License be modified in the fashion proposed by the FSF to allow migration by mass collaborative projects to the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license;
* Upon the announcement of that relicensing, the Foundation will initiate a process of community discussion and voting before making a final decision on relicensing.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
2:32 pm
Labels: cc, GFDL, licences, schism, wikimedia foundation, wikipedia
One of the unfortunate schisms in the open world has just been healed. The Creative Commons' decision to drop the Developing Nations licence means that RMS now supports the initiative:
This is a big step forward, and I can now support CC.
Posted by
Glyn Moody
6:49 am
Labels: creative commons, richard stallman, schism
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